St George’s Anglican Church sits where the Battle of Gate Pā took place. We offer talks and tours on The Battle to interested groups. These are tailored for people of all ages from school to adult groups.

St George’s Church sits on the site (Pukehinahina) where the Battle of Gate Pā took place. Come and listen to a talk or take a tour. Talks/Tours are tailored for people of all ages from school to adult groups. They have been partly prepared by Cliff Simons, a local military historian, who recently co-authored “Victory at Gate Pā” with Buddy Mikaere, written to help people understand why the fighting broke out at Gate Pā and what happened during and after the battle.

Please fill in the form here, enquire at the parish office +64 7 578 7916 or ring John Hebenton on +64 21 679202. Although John's talks are free, a Koha is always welcomed. (Koha is a New Zealand Māori custom which translated means: gift, present, offering, donation or contribution).

St George’s also offers guided tours with Buddy Mikaere that take in St George’s Church, the Battle field, The Elms Te Papa, The Mission Cemetery and other historic sites related to The Battle of Gate Pa. For the cost of these guided tours or to book ahead, please contact Buddy on +64 21 384 620 or email him through his form here.


Get Directions


Contact: Binnie
Address: 1 Church Street
City: Tauranga



Talks and Tours need to be booked in advance